Seoul Declaration for Asia-Pacific Business Education

2013.10.23 Views 2730 경영대학

*The declaration below has been unanimously accepted by 64 schools of 22 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.



Seoul Declaration for Asia-Pacific Business Education



Whereas : The economy of the Asia-Pacific region has taken historic strides in recent decades to become one of the most significant drivers propelling global economic growth.


Whereas : Asian business practices are widely acknowledged as having come of age and now offer inspiration to business practices globally.


Whereas : Asian business schools are ideally endowed to develop such theories, frameworks, modalities and case studies due to their cultural understanding, shared values, language skills, geographic access and alumni networks to facilitate this endeavor.


Whereas: The Asia-Pacific Region is our home and thus we have the responsibility and obligation to contribute to its prosperity and progress.



We highly resolve at this historic summit of the first ever gathering of deans representing business schools across the Asia Pacific Region to acknowledge the following roles of business schools:


1. Guiding the content and direction of useful research, in part through the establishment of the Asian Business Case Journal as a practical resource.


2. Determining the most appropriate content to impart and the most effective pedagogical approaches to achieve that goal.


3. Promoting collaborative research and teaching activities to capture latent cross-cultural synergies inherent in the Asia-Pacific Region.


4. Creating more effective career development programs to overcome the challenges facing the region’sever-growing workforce in the 21st century.


5. Reinventing the region’s business schools so that they may more effectively promote the entrepreneurship necessary to confront and prosper from the challenges posed by growing populations and decreasing natural resources that will characterize the 21stcentury.



Promulgated this day of 26 September 2013 at the Korea University Business School