11th EMBA Students – ‘International Residency Program (IRP)’ at UCLA in the US Date 2013-09-02 14:2
2013.09.02 Views 2573 경영대학
The 11th Executive MBA (EMBA) Students participated in the ‘International Residency Program (IRP) 1’ from June 22nd (Sat.) to June 29th (Sat.) at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). 34 EMBA students, Program Director Hosun Rhim, and the Program Manager Jiwon Gu attended this IRP.
For this program, UCLA professors gave lectures for 6 courses including The Global Economy & Technology Management and International Law. Students also were able to visit the RKS Design Studio, a strategic design consulting business, and get a clearer understanding of local businesses.
IRP participant Sangho Choi (11th EMBA Student) remarked, “It was a bit stressful to have to take courses while working but it was very beneficial for me to attend the lectures of famous scholars from a world-class university such as UCLA” and “visiting a local business and experiencing the culture was a good chance for me to develop my international perspective.”
The KUBS MBA Program is providing full support for international field experience opportunities so that students may develop their international perspective as a global manager. In the case of the EMBA Program, which works with only the best business professionals, taking classes in a prestigious foreign university and visiting an on-site international business through the IRP Program is part of the curriculum itself.