KUBS, the only school in Korea to be awarded EQUIS re-accreditation for additional five years

2010.07.05 Views 2206 경영대학

Another international accomplishment following AACSB re-accreditation ...


For the first time in Korea, KUBS has re-accredited by EQUIS (the European Quality Improvement System for five years. KUBS was recognized for its excellence in all areas of educational curriculum in the EQUIS review. KUBS received the final results from EFMD, the EQUIS accreditation awarding body, at midnight on the Jun 16th and once again joined the ranks of the world’s 50 most prestigious business schools. This is a global feat following the 5-year AACSB reaccreditation last May.


KUBS is the first school in Korea to be accredited by both the AACSB (2005) and EQUIS (2007) for its entire program which include the undergraduate, MS/Ph.D, and MBA programs. KUBS has proven once again that it is the only Korean business school recognized on the global stage by achieving re-accreditations from both.


KUBS has taken one step further in realizing its ‘Global 50’ vision of becoming one of the world’s top 50 schools by 2015 through the reaccreditation. Hasung Jang, Dean of KUBS said “This accomplishment illustrates how domestic competition is no longer meaningful. The reaccreditation is more meaningful because it provided us with the opportunity to reaffirm the global competitiveness of our school and see how we are in line with global standards in terms of faculty, students and educational curriculum.”


The number of inbound exchange students was 168 in 2009, a 400% increase from 34 students in 2005 when the school received its first overseas accreditation. The number of KUBS students going abroad increased over 60% from 126 to 206 students during the same period. In 2010, the number of foreign exchange students studying at KUBS reached an all time high with 193 exchange students. Over 70% of these students are from prestigious American, European and Asian universities which include the Wharton School, University of Illinois at Urbana-champagn, University of Mannheim of Germany, and the National University of Singapore.


The AACSB peer review team visited the school from January from 10 to 12 and the EQUIS peer review team visited the school from March from 16 to 18 to determine reaccreditation. Jan I. Haaland, the head of the EQUIS peer review team said “KUBS has a concrete and clear vision for becoming the best business school in Asia and the world and has systematically established strategies to support this vision. In particular, we were deeply impressed by the commitment and dedication of the faculty, students, staff and alumni to promote the value and culture of the school.”



▷ AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business) website:

▷ EFMD (European Foundation for management Development) website:

