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"I want to return the scholarship benefits I received in my school days to my juniors." Alumni Min Y

2018.03.27 Views 1608 경영대학

"I want to return the scholarship benefits I received in my school days to my juniors." Alumni Min Yoong, Yoon (Business'99) Donates Scholarship
Korea University Business School (Dean=Soo Young Kwon) held a scholarship donation ceremony on March 22 with Min Yoong, Yoon (Business'99), at the dean's office on the first floor of KUBS Main Building. Attending the donation ceremony were Soo Young Kwon, Dean of KUBS, Jaehwan Kim, Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs, and professor Kwangtae Park, who has been close to Yoon since his undergraduate days. At the meeting, Yoon delivered 20 million won in scholarship funds to KUBS.

(왼쪽부터) 김재환 경영대학 부학장, 윤민웅 교우(경영99), 권수영 경영대학장, 박광태 교수
The donation ceremony consisted of a pleasant conversation and presentation of a donation certificate. Dean Soo Young Kwon exchanged pleasantries by presenting a book of which he wrote himself to Yoon, who obtained an accountant's license and has worked at Samil Accounting Corp. for about three years. “While it is common to approach accounting as a theory, I would like to present a book that I have written that helps accessing accounting from a practical point," said Kwon.

"While I was disappointed that I failed the accountant exam when I was an undergraduate, professor Kwangtae Park encouraged me to try again. I remember passing the accountant exam that I took once again with the help of professor Park," said Yoon. He then replied to Kwon saying, "I thank the dean for giving me his book."

Yoon Min-woong, who worked for Samil Accounting Corp. from 2007 to 2010, laid the groundwork for the education business by helping students with their studies during his preparation for the accountant exam. While the start was merely a hobby, he gathered more people than expected. Now it has finally developed into a form of an education business.
(좌) 환담을 나누는 윤민웅 교우(경영99), 박광태 교수, 권수영 경영대학장
(우) 권수영 경영대학장의 집필 저서 '회계학 이야기'
Min Yoong, Yoon is currently the CEO of a famous community for the college entrance examinees, Soo Man Hui, and a publishing company, TENBALL STORY. He said that he received the "Yoon Byung-wook Scholarship" from KUBS as an undergraduate, and that he wanted to return the scholarships to his juniors after becoming successful.

"I received the Yoon Byung-wook scholarship twice after being discharged from the army. I’ve always wanted to return the scholarship that I received with some interest back, and then I decided to do it before it was too late because I was in my 30s."

As such, the scholarship fund of Yoon was created in the hope that the scholarship benefits he received at KUBS would be delivered to more juniors, which is very meaningful.
"Human relationships and experiences that I built at KUBS contribute greatly to my life," said Yoon. "I hope you cherish the people around you and build many diverse and pleasant memories during your undergraduate years," Yoon said, leaving a warm message to juniors at KUBS. "I believe all of you will do well with your good talents," he added.

Meanwhile, the Yoon Byung-wook Scholarship, which Min Yoong, Yoon received was created to honor the achievements of Yoon Byung-wook, Emeritus Professor: the first generation of Commerce major the first to obtain M.S. degree in Commerce the first Ph.D in business administration the first Korean professor to study abroad the first business major professor from Korea University. So far, it still pays the entire tuition to one student at a KUBS per semester.
