
주최 일자 발표자 제목 소속
LSOM연구센터 2025.01.15.(수) Eojin Han Distributionally Robust Competitive Newsvendors University of Notre Dame
재무금융센터 2024.12.18.(수) 이한백 Disclosure Regulation, Intangible Capital, and the Disappearance of Public Firms University of Cambridge
재무금융센터 2024.12.16.(월) 장영수 Valuation Discipline in Private Credit The Pennsylvania State University
아시아경영연구센터 2024.12.16.(월) Joel Waldfogel PLATFORM POWER STRUGGLE: SPOTIFY AND THE MAJOR RECORD LABELS Carlson School of Management University of Minnesota
회계세무센터 2024.12.12.(목) 박현종 Audit Firm Responses Following PCAOB Enforcement: Unveiling the Influence of PCAOB Enforcement when Sanctioned Auditors Remain versus Depart HKUST
재무금융센터 2024.12.12.(금) Jinfei Sheng   How Do Investors Value Technology in Cryptocurrency? Evidence from Textual Analysis University of California, Irvine
재무금융센터 2024.12.11.(수) Byoung-Hyoun Hwang Investors` talking all around the world Nanyang Technological University
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.12.09.(월) 김여립 Privacy Concern for Technology Use: A Meta-analysis of Antecedents UNIST
회계세무센터 2024.12.06.(금) 김화영 The role of reporting frequency in shaping shareholder horizon: implications for corporate myopia HKUST
재무금융센터 2024.12.05.(목) Dunhong Jin How Green Is Green? Anatomy of ESG Funds` Selection HKU Business School
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.12.02.(월) 이강호 AI Screening: Assessing the Impact of Automated Underwriting Systems on Loan Application Decisions Michigan State University
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.12.02.(월) 안병혁 The Impact of Telehealth Expansion on `Doctor-Shopping` Boston University
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.12.02.(월) 주희진 Derivative Works in Open Licensed Platforms Georgia State University
재무금융센터 2024.11.29.(금) 오지열 Silent Swing: Do Open-End Funds Tilt Holdings Valuations in Response to Flows? Silent Swing: Do Open-End Funds Tilt Holdings Valuations in Response to Flows? 성균관대학교
마케팅연구센터 2024.11.29.(금) Jong Yeob Kim Health Insurance and the Dynamics of Patient Decision Making Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.11.25.(월) 이태경 데이터 중심의 리스크 경영 개념과 핵심 법무법인 지평
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.11.25.(월) 채수완 How can AI & Data & ESG bridge Business Value up? E&Y Consulting
회계세무센터 2024.11.22.(금) 정수미 Financial Statement Complexity and Advertising Efforts 연세대학교
재무금융센터 2024.11.22.(금) Paul Schultz The Slow Turnover and Long Holding Periods of Dividend Paying Stocks University of Notre Dame
마케팅연구센터 2024.11.22.(금) Jungju Yu Communicating Attribute Importance under Competition Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST)
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