
주최 일자 발표자 제목 소속
LSOM연구센터 2024.07.08.(월) Steven Carnovale MNE host-country alliance network position and post-entry establishment mode choice Florida Atlantic University
아시아경영연구센터 2024.06.21.(금) 박승엽 From Accusation to Advancement Georgia State University
회계세무센터 2024.06.14.(금) 김세화 Heterogeneity in the Financial-Reporting Effects of ASC 606 Adoptions: Evidence from an Industry-Focused Approach Columbia University
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.06.14.(금) 임지해 The Importance of Executives’ IT Expertise in Generating IT Innovation University of Hawaii
재무금융센터 2024.06.07.(금) Zhi Da Pension Fund Flows, Exchange Rates, and Covered Interest Rate Parity University of Notre Dame
회계세무센터 2024.05.31.(금) 석인호 Incentivizing Volatility- Increasing Voluntary Disclosure SUNY at Buffalo
재무금융센터 2024.05.31.(금) Wing Wah Tham Firm Growth Through Product Offerings University of New South Wales
재무금융센터 2024.05.24.(금) Roni Michaely Can Executive Pay Improve Firms` Environmental and Social Behavior? University of Hong Kong
재무금융센터 2024.05.24.(금) Roni Michaely How green is green? Anatomy of ESG funds’ selection University of Hong Kong
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.05.24.(금) 남기환 Financial news-based stock movement prediction using causality analysis of influence in the Korean stock market 고려대학교
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.05.21.(화) 허완규 Signals from Attention: Leveraging Consumption Patterns and Machine Learning to Identify E-Book Bestsellers KAIST
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.05.21.(화) 권혁구 Recommending What to Search: Sales Volume and Consumption Diversity Effects of a Query Recommender System Nanyang Technological University
회계세무센터 2024.05.17.(금) 오준혁 Multi-Market Contact and Firm Returns Hon Kong University of Science and Technology
재무금융센터 2024.05.17.(금) Alminas Zaldokas ESG Shocks in Global Supply Chains National University of Singapore
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.05.17.(금) 정경성 Battling Therapeutic Inertia in Diabetes Management: Empirical Evidence from Patient Portal University of Denver
회계세무센터 2024.05.10.(금) 배수일 Public Information Quality and Voluntary Disclosure 성균관대학교
재무금융센터 2024.05.10.(금) Bo Bian Financing the Global Shift to Electric Mobility University of British Columbia
디지털이노베이션센터 2024.05.03.(금) 주하랑 Do Paid Ads Complement Organic Traffic for Long Tail Brands? A Large-Scale Mobile Field Experiment. MIT Sloan School of Management
재무금융센터 2024.05.03.(금) Spencer Kwon Extreme Categories and Overreaction to News Brown University
회계세무센터 2024.05.02.(목) 현정훈 Outside Reviewability of Nonfiancial PerformanceMeasures in Compensation Contracts: The Case of ESG Metrics 중앙대학교
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