
[Goldman Sachs] Real Estate Investment Analyst 포지션 채용 공고

2024.12.17 Views 590 CDC


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채용마감 여부

  • 진행중


  • 골드만삭스


  • Analyst


[광화문/외국계 투자은행] Real Estate Investment Analyst



미국계 대표적인 다국적 투자은행으로, 국제금융시장에서 투자업무와 증권업무, 투자관리, 기타 금융서비스를 기관투자자들에게 주로 서비스를 제공합니다.

*지원자에 한해 기업명이 공개되는 점 양해 바랍니다.



Real Estate Investment Analyst



This role requires native-level Korean proficiency as it mostly focuses on real estate in South Korea (fluent English required as well).


Role Overview:

  • The role will involve analyzing and executing various real estate investment opportunities through all parts of the capital structure and across all traditional and alternative asset classes within real estate
  • The successful applicant will work with the team and assist with underwriting opportunities in real estate across APAC, with a focus on South Korea
  • Examples of work scope include conducting due diligence on potential investments, performing valuation analyses, structuring, executing and monitoring investments
  • The applicant must have strong analytical skills with a proficiency in financial modeling / valuation and experience with presenting complex situations clearly in the form of emails or discussion materials


Key Responsibilities:

  • Assist in the evaluation and underwriting of potential investment opportunities
  • Prepare valuation models, investment committee memoranda and other internal / external presentation materials at the guidance of other team members
  • Participate in due diligence, structuring and execution work across various real estate asset classes, capital structures and operating platforms
  • Conducting research on latest market research trends and feasibility studies of investment ideas



  • Prior experience with real estate investment management, real estate development, private equity / credit, investment banking or management consulting preferred
  • Financial modelling experience required
  • Strong Excel and PowerPoint skills and understanding of basic valuation and accounting concepts
  • Strong attention to detail and superior communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Fluent in both English and Korean languages
  • Creative thinkers with strong problem solving skills, and flexibility to adapt to different situations, market conditions and evolving strategies




a) 근무지: 서울시 종로구

b) 근무시간: 주 5일 (월-금): 09:00 – 18:00
c) 근무형태: 6개월 파견계약직 (연장여부 미정)
d) 채용인원: 1명
e) 연봉수준: 경력별 협의 (업계 상위권 수준의 연봉책정)

a) 국/영문 이력서 아래 이메일로 전송 요망 (MS Word 형태)
b) 담당자 연락처: 02-6200-9751

Adecco Korea 는 "세계 아웃소싱 NO.1 아데코그룹"의 한국지사로 미 유명 잡지인 Fortune지에 세계 500대 대기업 내 랭크된 세계 최대의 종합 인력 서비스 agency입니다. (Find out more about us at

