
[Deutsche Bank] Custody Operations 채용 공고

2023.04.07 Views 579 CDC


  • 계약


  • 2023/04/14 23:59

채용마감 여부

  • 마감


  • 도이치은행


  • Settlement (외국인결제팀)


계약기간: 6개월 (연장 가능성 있음)

지원마감일: 2023.04.14 (금)

Position I 지원 링크 -


각 포지션에 대한 상세 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

Position 1: Settlement (외국인결제팀)

Job description (외국인 고개의 결제 업무를 담당합니다)

l  Capture client instruction into systems and monitor if they’re captured correctly or not.

l  Run pre-matching (compare) clients’ instructions against brokers’ contract note, and not matched, follow up with either clients or brokers and resolve the issues.

l  Funding check (to check client's account to have enough fund, if not, check if FX was arranged or FX standing Instructions was set up).

l  FX execution via internal system or checking direct FX.

l  Holding check for sale trades - to check if enough holdings, and follow up with clients if short holdings. To check if it is simple error in instruction or naked short sell. If naked short sell, report to counterparty by designated time by regulatory requirement.

l  Send unmatched notice with reason code from internal system.

l  Run auto-settlement

l  Cash posting (FX allocation) of FX details per regulatory requirement.

l  Remit the converted FCY (sale proceeds) to offshore clients / Check the receipt of fund from clients

l  Regulatory reporting (FX details reporting)

(직무기술서 한글번역본)

l  고객 지시서가 내부 시스템에 잘 잡혔는지 확인하고, 문제가 있어서 내부 시스템에 잡히지 않았을때, 이유를 밝혀 내고 원인을 제거함

l  고객의 지시서와 증권사 매매내역을 대사하여, 불일치가 발견될시, 그 내용을 파악하여, 고객이나, 증권사에 통지하고, 불일치을 해결함.

l  매수 지시서가 있으면, 고객의 계좌에 충분한 자금이 있는지 확인하고, 만약 없으면, 고객이 직접 FX 를 했는지도 확인, 또는 FX Standing 이 있는지도 확인하고, 아무런 것도 없으면, 고객에 통지함.

l  매도 지시서가 있으면, 고객이 충분한 유가증권을 보유하고 있는지 확인하고, 만약 없으면, 고객과 증권사에 통보함.

l  위의 대사 업무를 한후, 내부 시스템에서 불일치에 대한 내역을 (code) SWIFT 로 보냄.

l  FX 에 대해서, 법률이 정한 바에 따라, 고객계좌에 거래 내역을 기입함.

l  증권 예탁원과 유가증권과 대금을 주고 받고, 내부 시스템에 반영함.

l  매도 거래를 체결한후, 그 매도 자금을 FX 한후, 해외 고객에 송금함

l  FX 내역을 관계기관에 보고함.


Requirement (역량사항)

l  Minimum 1 -3 years of experience in custody operations is preferred (신입도 무관합니다) 

l  Good communication skill set in speaking and writing in English & Korean 

l  Strong sense of responsibility and professionalism 

l  Team player


About Deutsche Bank


Deutsche Bank is the leading German bank with strong European roots and a global network. We’re driving growth through our strong client franchise. Against a backdrop of increasing globalization in the world economy, Deutsche Bank is very well-positioned, with significant regional diversification and substantial revenue streams from all the major regions of the world.  We serve our clients’ real economic needs in commercial banking, investment banking, private banking and asset management.  We are investing heavily in digital technologies, prioritizing long term success over short-term gains, and serving society with ambition and integrity. All this means a career packed with opportunities to grow and the chance to shape the future of our clients.


