최우수 영어 논문 시상식 개최
일반대학원 경영학과·국제경영학과가 주최한 ‘최우수 영어 논문 시상식(Best English Thesis Award)’이 8월 3일 오후 2시 경영본관 1층 부원장실에서 진행됐다. 시상식에는 김우찬 부원장과 수상자 6명이 참석했다. 선정위원회는 △경영관리 △마케팅 △재무 △회계 △LSOM △국제경영 등 6개 전공에서 추천된 논문들을 심사해 최우수 논문을 선정했으며, MIS 전공은 2017년 8월 학위수여자가 없어 전공내 추천이 진행되지 않았다.
수상자는 △안혜성(경영관리 박사과정) △FEGER KATHRIN(마케팅 석사과정) △이인로(재무론 석박통합과정) △유소진(회계학 박사과정) △주성필(LSOM 석사과정) △이지영(국제경영 석사과정) 등 총 6명으로, 이들에게는 각각 장학금 30만원이 수여됐다.
김우찬 부원장은 상패를 전달하며 수상자들을 격려했다. 김우찬 부원장은 “앞으로도 수상자 전원이 학교의 이름을 빛낼 수 있도록 학교 차원에서도 열심히 노력할 것”이라고 말했다.
수상자는 △안혜성(경영관리 박사과정) △FEGER KATHRIN(마케팅 석사과정) △이인로(재무론 석박통합과정) △유소진(회계학 박사과정) △주성필(LSOM 석사과정) △이지영(국제경영 석사과정) 등 총 6명으로, 이들에게는 각각 장학금 30만원이 수여됐다.
김우찬 부원장은 상패를 전달하며 수상자들을 격려했다. 김우찬 부원장은 “앞으로도 수상자 전원이 학교의 이름을 빛낼 수 있도록 학교 차원에서도 열심히 노력할 것”이라고 말했다.
최우수 영어 논문 수상작 요약 소개
This paper investigates the impact of “generational shadow” on descendant CEOs’ corporate acquisition decisions. I propose that the enduring influences of senior generations would lead these successors to engage in less acquisitions and smaller acquisitions. Descendant CEOs should be able to overcome constraints imposed by the senior generations in their acquisition decisions when they are able to confer legitimacy through performance and when the senior generations are likely to become less averse to acquisitions due to the shift in the competitive landscape.
The Pseudo Learning Effect: How Product Learning Enhances Psychological Ownership and Object Valuation / FEGER KATHRIN 마케팅 석사과정/ 지도교수 윤성아
This research suggests that if consumers are confronted with non-diagnostic, trivial product information, they will experience a sense of product learning and exhibit greater product liking, purchase intentions as well as monetary valuations towards the target product. I propose increased feelings of psychological ownership as consumers get to know the product more intimately and value it more through this self-investment. In the first study, I demonstrate that people indeed show greater product attitude, psychological ownership, and willingness to pay towards an unknown hedonic product from a popular food product category. The results of the second study in which I used a utilitarian product, on the other hand, did not support the main hypotheses. I discuss the possibility of the interaction of the effect with product type.
A Study on Distress Pricing Puzzle / 이인로 재무론 석박통합과정/ 지도교수 김동철
This dissertation examines whether negative relation between the distress risk and subsequent stock returns (distress pricing puzzle) is observed in U.S. listed commercial banks. Using non-performing loan (NPL), I find that the distress pricing puzzle is observed in U.S commercial banks and this puzzle differs according to the degree of short-sale constraints. More distressed stocks with more short-sale constraints earn lower subsequent returns. This short-sale constraint effect on distress pricing puzzle is more profound during the financial crisis. These findings contribute to the distress pricing puzzle literature, in that it fills a void in distress pricing puzzle vis-a-vis financial firms.
The Joint Effect of CEO-CFO Incentives on Accounting Fraud / 유소진 회계학 박사과정/ 지도교수 최우석
This study explores whether the joint effect of chief executive officer (CEO) and chief financial officer (CFO) incentives increases the likelihood of accounting fraud. This study provides evidence that the propensity for accounting fraud is increasing in CEO-CFO equity incentives and social network-based CEO-CFO incentives. This study also shows that CEOs and CFOs who have joint social connections and higher equity incentives are positively associated with the likelihood of accounting fraud. Further, CEO power marginally reinforces the association between CEO-CFO incentives and accounting fraud.
An Integrated Inventory Models for Independent Remanufacturers / 주성필 LSOM 석사과정/ 지도교수 박명섭
Recently, remanufacturing issues has received much attention due to a circular economy, thereby resulting in diverse types of remanufacturers. Among the types of remanufacturers, this paper investigates the case of independent remanufacturers in which they purchase returned/used items, inspect the quality level, and then sell them as is or remanufactured. Based on EOQ model for used items and EPQ model for remanufactured items, we examine optimal lot size that maximizes the profit of independents remanufacturers. Then, we present a numerical example and conduct sensitivity analysis considering the probability of unacceptable quality level and remanufacturing fraction among screened items to provide managerial insights into practices.
Gender Diversity and Country and Firm-level Moderating Effects on Innovation Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Germany and India / 이지영 국제경영 석사과정/ 지도교수 Martin Hemmert
This study examines whether the gender diversity of top management teams (TMTs) has a positive effect on firm innovativeness, and whether the relation is moderated by the economic development of a country, a hierarchical structure, and open culture. Drawing on data from manufacturing companies in Germany and India, the empirical results show that gender diversity is positively associated with firm innovation performance, and this relationship is stronger for firms in developed countries than those in emerging economies. Implications for both theory and practice, as well as future research directions, are discussed.
The Pseudo Learning Effect: How Product Learning Enhances Psychological Ownership and Object Valuation / FEGER KATHRIN 마케팅 석사과정/ 지도교수 윤성아
This research suggests that if consumers are confronted with non-diagnostic, trivial product information, they will experience a sense of product learning and exhibit greater product liking, purchase intentions as well as monetary valuations towards the target product. I propose increased feelings of psychological ownership as consumers get to know the product more intimately and value it more through this self-investment. In the first study, I demonstrate that people indeed show greater product attitude, psychological ownership, and willingness to pay towards an unknown hedonic product from a popular food product category. The results of the second study in which I used a utilitarian product, on the other hand, did not support the main hypotheses. I discuss the possibility of the interaction of the effect with product type.
A Study on Distress Pricing Puzzle / 이인로 재무론 석박통합과정/ 지도교수 김동철
This dissertation examines whether negative relation between the distress risk and subsequent stock returns (distress pricing puzzle) is observed in U.S. listed commercial banks. Using non-performing loan (NPL), I find that the distress pricing puzzle is observed in U.S commercial banks and this puzzle differs according to the degree of short-sale constraints. More distressed stocks with more short-sale constraints earn lower subsequent returns. This short-sale constraint effect on distress pricing puzzle is more profound during the financial crisis. These findings contribute to the distress pricing puzzle literature, in that it fills a void in distress pricing puzzle vis-a-vis financial firms.
The Joint Effect of CEO-CFO Incentives on Accounting Fraud / 유소진 회계학 박사과정/ 지도교수 최우석
This study explores whether the joint effect of chief executive officer (CEO) and chief financial officer (CFO) incentives increases the likelihood of accounting fraud. This study provides evidence that the propensity for accounting fraud is increasing in CEO-CFO equity incentives and social network-based CEO-CFO incentives. This study also shows that CEOs and CFOs who have joint social connections and higher equity incentives are positively associated with the likelihood of accounting fraud. Further, CEO power marginally reinforces the association between CEO-CFO incentives and accounting fraud.
An Integrated Inventory Models for Independent Remanufacturers / 주성필 LSOM 석사과정/ 지도교수 박명섭
Recently, remanufacturing issues has received much attention due to a circular economy, thereby resulting in diverse types of remanufacturers. Among the types of remanufacturers, this paper investigates the case of independent remanufacturers in which they purchase returned/used items, inspect the quality level, and then sell them as is or remanufactured. Based on EOQ model for used items and EPQ model for remanufactured items, we examine optimal lot size that maximizes the profit of independents remanufacturers. Then, we present a numerical example and conduct sensitivity analysis considering the probability of unacceptable quality level and remanufacturing fraction among screened items to provide managerial insights into practices.
Gender Diversity and Country and Firm-level Moderating Effects on Innovation Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Germany and India / 이지영 국제경영 석사과정/ 지도교수 Martin Hemmert
This study examines whether the gender diversity of top management teams (TMTs) has a positive effect on firm innovativeness, and whether the relation is moderated by the economic development of a country, a hierarchical structure, and open culture. Drawing on data from manufacturing companies in Germany and India, the empirical results show that gender diversity is positively associated with firm innovation performance, and this relationship is stronger for firms in developed countries than those in emerging economies. Implications for both theory and practice, as well as future research directions, are discussed.