
경영학 전자저널 이용 안내
교내 접속 시 아래의 "서명" 클릭"
중앙도서관 홈페이지에서 저널 검색 후 "URL" 버튼 클릭
교외 접속 시 중앙도서관 홈페이지에 로그인하여 저널 검색 후
"URL" 버튼 클릭

Total 198

서명 출판사 주제분야 수록년도 수록DB명 국내외구분
Academy of Management Journal Management 1958- Business Source Premier 해외
Academy of Management Review Management 1976- Business Source Premier 해외
Academy of Marketing science Journal(Journal of Academy of Marketing Science) Marketing 1973- Springer 해외
Accounting Review Accounting 1988- ABI Inform Complete 해외
Accounting, Organization and Society Accounting 1976- ScienceDirect 해외
Administrative Science Quarterly Management 1956- Business Source Premier 해외
Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems(구 경영정보학연구) 한국경영정보학회 MIS 1991- e-article 국내
Auditing Accounting 1981- Business Source Premier 해외
Communications of the ACM MIS 1958- ACM Portal 해외
Communications of the AIS MIS 1999- AIS Electronic Library 해외
Computers and Operations Research LSOM 1974- ScienceDirect 해외
Contemporary Accounting Research Accounting 1984-(6 months delay) Business Source Premier 해외
Database for Advances in Information Systems MIS 1998- ABI Inform Complete 해외
Decision Sciences LSOM 1988-2007 ABI Inform Complete 해외
Decision Sciences LSOM 1997- Wiley Interscience 해외
Decision Support Systems MIS 1985- ScienceDirect 해외
Entrue Journal of Information Technology LG CNS 엔트루정보기술연구소 MIS 2002- 한국학술정보 국내
European Journal of Information Systems MIS 1999-(1 year delay) ABI Inform Complete 해외
European Journal of Operational Research LSOM 1977- ScienceDirect 해외
Financial Analysts Journal Finance 1965- Business Source Premier 해외
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