Academic Groups

학과소개 Accounting 이미지
As a result of the increasing emphasis on accounting transparency, current researches pay more attention to implement an efficient accounting information system that emphasizes responsibility of decision makers. Main research areas in accounting are: financial accounting, managerial accounting, tax, and auditing.
학과소개 Finance 이미지
Finance is an essential field of study to grasp the structure and operation of how corporations and markets work. Some of the key topics in finance include: economic theory under uncertainties and risks, corporate finance and capital flow, security market and the role of financial institution, investment portfolio, derivative securities, insurance and risk management, real estate finance and corporate governance.
학과소개 International Business  이미지
Global Business
Global Business is a comprehensive academic discipline that encompasses various aspects of a company's international market expansion to global and the operations of multicultural corporations. It is subdivided into areas such as global strategy, global human resources, global marketing, global finance, global trade, regional studies. To expand a corporate's presence on a global scale, it is crucial to understand the company's competitive advantage and gain insights into the global trade environment, international cultural dynamics, global financial markets, and local investment environments. Global Business approaches subjects from other disciplines with a global perspective, offering an opportunity to address real-world challenges related to a company's global expansion and the operations of multicultural companies.
학과소개 MIS 이미지
IS (Information Systems)
IS (Information Systems) is an academic discipline that explores the utilization of digital technology and data in business and how these elements influence corporate competitiveness, customers, and society at large. Digital technology and data analysis are pivotal in driving digital transformation and serve as core strategies for modern companies to maintain competitiveness. IS courses delve into digital technology, innovation, and the creation of business models that facilitate digital transformation. They also cover methodologies and tools for various data analyses resulting from digital transformation, and how the findings inform business decision-making.
학과소개 LSOM 이미지
LSOM (Logistics, Service & Operations Management)
LSOM major is a practical field of study which provides solutions to various issues which occur in all matters of enterprise activities: logistics, service, manufacturing, operation, supply chain management (SCM), purchasing, and technology management with theoretical and data analytical approach of management science and decision science.
In our curriculum, students acquire problem solving skills through various methods such as the big data analysis, business analytics, simulation, optimization, statistical process management, and etc. which are required by the global corporations.
학과소개 Management 이미지
Management studies offer a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the employment relationship. Management applies philosophical approaches yet grounded in the real world, with regard to the people and industrial relations within an organization. Main research areas in management studies involve organizational behavior, human resource management, industrial relations, and management strategies.
학과소개 Marketing 이미지
Marketing pays attention to the process of consumer’s decision making. Marketing is a division of study that creates value for customers, organizations and society by analyzing market needs. Theories in marketing also focus on the product distribution on the market, and the formation of a strong customer relationship.